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Gelato Pastry Modern Pastry Decorations


These gelato coverings are perfect for any kind of decoration and creativity. Pinguì will allow you to cover sticks, biscuits and pralines with gelato or semifreddo in a simple and fast way; they wrap the product homogeneously giving a particular crunchiness to every specialty. The wide range of flavours, colors and their combinations will transform your gelato shop into an explosion of fun and delicious proposals.

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Article Foto Description Code Pack. for cart. Net weight for pack.
Bianca Covering for a white chocolate flavour gelato. P06 2 3 kg
Boscocrock Covering with berries and muesli. P03 2 3 kg
Coffee Covering for a 100% arabic coffee flavour gelato. P10 2 3 kg
Caramou Covering for a caramel mou flavour gelato. P19 2 3 kg
Coconut Covering for a coconut flavor gelato P20 2 3 kg
Bittersweet Covering for a dark chocolate flavour gelato. P07 2 3 kg
Strawberry Covering for a strawberry flavour gelato. P17 2 3 kg
Milk Covering for milk chocolate flavour gelato. P04 2 3 kg
Lattecrock Covering for a milk chocolate flavour gelato with almond sticks. P05 2 3 kg
Lemon Covering for a lemon flavour gelato with sicilian essential oils. P15 2 3 kg
Mandarin Covering for a mandarin flavour gelato with sicilian essential oils. P16 2 3 kg
Almond Covering for a sicilian almond flavour gelato. P18 2 3 kg
Moscowmule Moscowmule gelato covering P25 2 3 kg
Hazelnut Covering for a hazelnut flavour gelato. P08 2 3 kg
Pinky Covering for pinky flavour gelato made with Ruby chocolate. P13 2 3 kg
Pistachio Covering for a pistachio flavour gelato (no flavourings added). P01 2 3 kg
Zuppa inglese Zuppa inglese covering for gelato P24 2 3 kg


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