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Gelato Pastry Modern Pastry Decorations


A complete range of selected hazelnuts in cream or paste.

Article Foto Description Code Pack. for cart. Net weight for pack.
Intense Hazelnut Paste National hazelnuts paste with high level of roasting having a sharp and strong flavour. GC3930 2 2,5 kg
Intense Hazelnut Paste National hazelnuts paste with high level of roasting having a sharp and strong flavour. GC3955 2 5 kg
Preziosa hazelnut cream Italian stabilized hazelnuts cream. GC3655 2 5 kg
FiorAlba Paste Paste with hazelnuts 100gr/Kg. G27 2 3 kg
Nocciola del Re Paste This Hazelnut paste is made with the "Tonda", gentile, trilobed and light toasted hazelnut variety. GC2755 2 5 kg
Nocciola del Re Paste This Hazelnut paste is made with the "Tonda", gentle, trilobed and light toasted hazelnut variety. GC2730 2 2,5 kg
IGP piedmont hazelnut paste Pure gelato paste made with IGP Piedmont hazelnuts; gently toasted and refined. GC2955 2 5 kg
Preziosa hazelnut cream Italian stabilized hazelnuts cream. GC3630 2 2,5 kg
IGP piedmont hazelnut paste Pure gelato paste made with IGP Piedmont hazelnuts; gently toasted and refined. GC2930 2 2,5 kg
Preziosa hazelnut paste Pure gelato paste made with Italian hazelnuts; gently toasted and refined. GC3455 2 5 kg
Preziosa hazelnut paste Pure gelato paste made with Italian hazelnuts; gently toasted and refined. GC3430 2 2,5 kg
Dark preziosa Hazelnut paste Pure gelato paste made with italian hazelnuts; intense taste and dark toasting. GC3555 2 5 kg
Dark preziosa Hazelnut paste Pure gelato paste made with italian hazelnuts; intense taste and dark toasting. GC3530 2 2,5 kg
Simposio Hazelnut Paste Pure hazelnut paste with three levels of roasting GC3855 2 5 kg
Simposio Hazelnut Paste Pure hazelnut paste with three levels of roasting G3830 2 2,5 kg


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